A haze hangs upon the air within the confines of these walls. It is a
mixture of smoke, the kind that is emitted by the raspy cough of a habitual
smog-puffing derelict. Several paneled pillars rise from warped wooden planks
to the ceiling above. Though old and the room dimly lit the floor planks are
squeaky clean. A long bar runs the north wall with a multitude of stools. Too
many have ripped seat covers with tufts of white cottony fabric peeking out
from beneath the vinyl. Some have been patched with duct tape. Most all of the
chairs, surrounding their scarred oaken tables, are in the same condition.
A lone pool table resides at the back of the room upon an elevated
platform. Numerous barstools line the counter that runs the circumference of
this section. The table was once a fine piece of wood craftsmanship until the
occasional knife stroked its surface with violence. The felt has so many pills
upon the surface that it rivals any sweater within the known world
Throughout the bar beautiful coloured pictures of Ireland are posted on
the walls along with large colourful posters advertising Irish beer and
beverages. The crowded dance floor in the middle of the bar is always full of
people dancing jigs and singing loudly along with the vibrant music. The dance
floor itself is scuffed and worn bare from all the dancing feet. Everyone in
here seems to be loud and rowdy, all of them drunk. Fistfights often break out
though not usually right near the bar.
Alexander opens the padded door and enters the pub.
Alexander has arrived.
Alexander wanders into the pub accompanied by two dirty looking fellows. By the markings on their clothes, they could be gangers or bikers. Turning to face them once they have entered, he lays his hand on one of the men's shoulders. Exchanging some words, the both of them steps back outside before much more attention then that surrounding the entrance has befallen them. Alone, he proceeds over to the counter.
Alexander read your description.
In the back of the bar, Penny continues to add nothing but haze to the atmosphere, her cigarette in an ashtray. The loss of interest is mutual, in a moment it will snuff itself out, ash and a lack of oxygen overtaking the tiny orange ember. It will happen most likely in the same minute she chooses to answer the phone she left on top of the table next to the ashtray. She watches it vibrate on the table in its holder, shuttling back and forth like a demented mexican jumping bean.
Alexander lays his hand in what might be interpreted as an instrusive manner over the arm of a waitress just recieving an order from the bartender. He says something quietly to her, making sure to hold onto her arm for the five second long speech. Proceeding across the room, he slows beside your table, although not apparing as if it was his destination, rather he was just about to pass it. He eyes you, then cellphone, and you again. Reaching his hand down, he aims to pick it up and answer it.
Isobel opens the padded door and enters the pub.
Isobel has arrived.
//.etro: It is 9:20 pm, late evening, on Friday the 12. day of December, 2008.
Isobel slips into the pub and moves towards the door, lifting a hand to wave as Seamus looks up
Isobel sits down at the bar.
Isobel leans forward as she slides onto the bar stool, speaking in her soft Irish brogue she sounds a lot like most of the regulars, or not depending on if you are a regular yourself, "hello there Seamus, I would be having a pint" she then sits back in the curve of the worn bar stool and glances about
Where would we be without the happy hour?
In barbaric times, that's where.
There's not a chance the guy that got up from the table near Penny's is going to make it to the door before he collapses; been here since 4 by the stink of him and as he collapses into Alexander he grins, goofing "Hey g'lookin'.." and hiccups before passing out on the floor. Common enough for this bar that nobody really turns. Common enough that it doesn't phase Penny. She's just watching the phone. And then it stops ringing, lopsides itself on the far side of the ashtray and everything's back to normal.
Isobel reaches out and snags the pint as it begins to slide its way towards her. Grinning her thanks she takes a sip and then once again glances around the smoke filled bar. Pausing now and then as something entertaining or odd catches her attention. In this place there is plenty of that. Washed and unwashed it would appear
Alexander looks slightly bothered. But just slightly. Brushing his hand once in a dismissive kind of motion over his jacket where the man touched him, he takes a wide step over the drunken patron. The waitress he spoke with just a moment ago is motions towards, and he takes a seat by the table opposite of Penny.
Alexander sits down at the shadowy corner booth.
Alexander joins you.
Anupra has arrived.
[OOC] Anupra peeks in. "Room for one more?"
[OOC] Penny says "Why the hell not."
//.etro: Penny rolls "willpower" at diff 6
For a total of 2 success(es).
Isobel smiles as she spots a rather unusual and indeed amazing sight, even in Dublin not many have pink hair. She observes for another moment and then loosing interest takes another sip. Just glad to relax
Anupra read your description.
Stepping up and in from outside, leaning heavily on her cane with each step, comes Anupra. She peers around the irish-themed bar for a moment, straightening her back before heading slowly towards the counter.
It isn't just that Penny has enough friends. It isn't just that Penny had a bad day. It isn't even just that Penny doesn't want to be bothered thus in the darkest table in the farthest corner; it is all of these things and simply looking at Alexander that moves Penny out of her happy place. Comes through in her voice, at least to that guy, but anyone looking could tell she's not in the mood. "That seat's taken. Take a hike, junior."
Isobel realizes that something is going on across the room but being too far away she just takes another sip of her drink and leans back, wistfully wishing she could kick up her feet and chill
Anupra eventually reaches the bar, sliding up onto a barstool and ordering a glass of cola from the barman. Anyone close enough could easily pick out the southern twang to her accent, her request delivered with a warm smile for the server.
Standingwater opens the padded door and enters the pub.
Standingwater has arrived.
Standingwater moseys on in and heads for the bar. An Indian in cowboy gear walks into an Irish pub. Is this some kind of a joke?
Isobel blinks and then smiles as the gent wearing the battered hat steps in. Having just recently arrived from Europe this is something one would only read about, an indian in cowboy gear. Amusing.
And it's happening in Canada.
Within the booth, Alexander does not move from the table. He lifts a finger as if to interupt you, then begins to fish around inside his pocket. Comming up with a cigarette package, he takes a good while to place one between his lips. Lighting it, he takes a drag and start to reverse the procedure to return the package to his pocket. A moment later, and he glances to you, "Was that to me?"
Anupra relaxes onto her barstool, setting her walking cane against the bar before reaching for her drink, taking a slow sip and peering around the room thoughtfully.
Tom opens the padded door and enters the pub.
Tom has arrived.
Standingwater tilts his hat back as he takes a seat at the bar. "Beer. Nothing fancy."
The bar (#1) has 7 empty places.
Present: Isobel
The pool table (#2) has 4 empty places.
The round table (#3) has 5 empty places.
The square table (#4) has 4 empty places.
The shadowy corner booth (#5) has 4 empty places.
Present: Penny - Alexander
The counter by the pool table (#6) has 7 empty places.
The cigarette machine and pay phone (#7) has 3 empty places.
Downright frozen day for a walk around. Some are of the mind to not even go outside in weather like this - especially not at this late hour, when there's usually no excuse for it. But, then, given an excuse for it...some, like Tom, will sluggishly and torporously meander towards some destination in the frozen weather. Twelve minutes late on the twelfth day of the twelfth month in the year 2008, Tom pushes through the door and quickly pushes it closed behind him against the howling wind. Teeth still chattering, he stands inthe threshold of the door and pats snow off of his arms and shoulders.
Standingwater mumbles something incoherent when his beer finally arrives. For the longest time he just sits there and stares suspiciously at it. Weirdo.
Penny looks at her phone, briefly then to the interloper sitting across from her. "Yeah. And he's gonna want his seat back." Penny can play this game for only so long. She looks around for the waitress or the goon or whoever 'he' is like it's about to go down; everything is immanent. But she has no other props - her one and only cigarette gone out just a few moments before, she sets her hands under the table. Maybe into her lap. Maybe her pockets. Maybe the small off her back - yeah. Her shoulders do that hitching thing when people are reaching for something behind them. Something tucked away nice and small. "So you're leaving, right?"
Isobel slides a few bills out of her pocket and then swigs back the last of her beer.. sighing with pleasure once she sets the pint down on the bar
"Is there something wrong with it?" Anupra inquires casually in Standingwater's direction, head tilted a little. "Too fancy, maybe?" she adds, smiling a little.
Standingwater shakes his head without taking his eyes off the beer. "Just waiting for the mind control drug to seperate out from the beer so I can skim it off. Teh government won't rest until the public is reduced to mindless zombies. Combined with telemarketing and network television... Well, no need to go any futher into that."
Alexander looks up at the waitress having stopped by the table. He taps his chin, looking as if he concidered something or the other. Placing an order, he reaches his arms up and folds them behind his head, making himself comfortable, "Certainly." Although he doesn't seem to be in any real hurry. "Nice make-up. Very.. primal.. modern."
Isobel sighs and then slips from the bar and heads towards the door. Zipping her jacket shut and then taking care with the snaps as she departs
Isobel pushes through the padded door and exits the pub.
Isobel has left.
Eyeing the other amerindian thoughtfully, Anupra eventually shrugs. "Whatever you say....don't touch the stuff myself, so hopefully I'm safe." She gestures to her cola. "Though only god knows what's in this stuff."
Standingwater snags a spoon and starts dipping beer out of his glass into an ashtray. "Worse. Much worse. The alcohol in the beer neutralizes the biological agents the United Nations has been sneaking into our water supply over the years. Notice the dumbing down of the general population. Soon even shoe laces will be too complex. Folks will need these fancy robots to tie their shoes for them." Uh... huh.
You snooze, you lose, right? But somedays you win, and man, some days you do nothing but lose. And it's good for the soul, probably. Builds character, right? So, Tom seems content to snooze a little, lazily making sure his jacket is free of snow before he trudges a long, thin line of wet snow into the room. Brushing a hand over his close cropped hair in what looks like a compulsive gesture, Tom drifts deeper into the meandering evening crowds, through the jig-dancers and step-dancers and carefully around the couple on the dance floor, swimming through the vibrant music, dodging confrontations and potential fist-fights thanks to an eye for human nature. Blind to the greater mass of humanity, he seems to brighten some when he spots Penny - but that's ok, it balances out when he sees the young go-getter sitting with her. Symmetry is, thankfully, maintained by Mister Tall, Dark, and Handsome. Jaw set, he moves towards the shadowy booth in the corner, perhaps a bit wary.
Anupra mmhmms, chuckling quietly at Standingwater's response. "If you say so," she agrees pleasently. "Don't feel too stupid or dumb myself, but maybe I'm just deluded."
Standingwater eyes his beer one more time before finally taking a sip. "Ah. Then the signals broadcast by the Trilateral Commission's satellites aren't having an affect on you. Excellent."
"So can you taste any remaining mind-controlling drugs?" Anupra wonders curiously, brows arching a touch. She seems to be humoring the other barfly for now.
Standingwater shakes his head and sets the beer aside. "I think I got it all."
Anupra nods a bit and goes back to sipping her cola, expression thoughtful, perhaps a touch bemused.
Everything's a gamble - nothing ventured, they say. But let's face it; Penny's not in a betting mood even with the royal flush in her hand. Her hands are still under the table and she's taken a more relaxed posture in the booth; leaning just enough to catch that perfect moment. There is fortune and opportunity staring at her dead-on. She affects the kind of nonchalant grin you see in ads everywhere; ads geared toward the socially irresponsible drinkers of the world, carpe diem. Penny-with-the-off-table-eyecontact makes a target of Tom. "Tried to save you a seat but," her shoulders lifted marginally. This isn't her fault. This wasn't the way it was supposed to go down.
Standingwater goes back to his beer. Mmmmm... Beer.
Alexander motions towards where he is seated, then nods at Tom, "Looks like I should be going after all. Spicy girl you have there, bud." He stands from his seat, grinning at the fellow having approached the table. Snapping his fingers as if he had forgotten something, he turns back to Penny, "Right.. Your phonenumber?"
At the eye-contact as he approaches, Tom looks momentarily caught off guard - maybe just at his first look at her in a long time, maybe something else. Whatever it is, as he approaches, Alexander keeps him off-guard. "Hnh." Precarious, Tom's gaze skims from one to the other... then, finally, he settles his incomprehension on Alexander. "I don't exactly have her," he speaks, the tone a little distracted - drained of emotion one way or the other. "So, uh, feel free," he adds, in an ex post facto endorsement of him asking Penny for her number - the tone indicates sarcasm, however. Sort of like saying 'make yourself at home' to a burgler, really.
While the alarms are going off.
Penny had started to sit up a little, one hand maybe tucking her shirt in as Alexander takes his leave but maybe now she doesn't. "Got a pen?" something terrible in her smile, in all the attention she's paying to Alexander just now "..it's a little long. I'm" and excuse, an easy segue "borrowing." Every widening, the spectre of insinuation hovers while people shuffle around the paused three-some. Penny can be accommodating when it suits her. She can wait, indicates that with a gesture, a simple leaning to one side.Standingwater finishes off his beer with little fanfare and turns to leave.
Anupra has disconnected.
Alexander opens his jacket to reach into the inside pocket of it. He comes up with a cellphone, flipping it open. Pushing a few buttons, he turns the display to Penny, "Why don't you type it down here, bruiser." A glance is directed Tom, and he asks solemnly, "Did you say something?"
Standingwater pushes through the padded door and exits the pub.
Standingwater has left.
A moment of pause. It would seem there's been some kind of programming error in childhood - Tom is, for a heartbeat or two, quite obviously conflicted as to the appropriate response. Rival response to the stimuli just offered. Within the confines of his mouth, he touches his tongue to the roof, probably to check for adrenaline. Finally, scratching his scalp, Tom offers an easy going: "Nothing of note." A pause. "Uh, champ." He glances to Penny with some measure of disorientation... then adds, mildly, "You've got a funny sense of humor. Is this your idea of a joke?" No anger - only mild disorientation.
Devard has arrived.
Now it's just old. Game's over. She inclines her body foward on the booth's bench, cants her head toward the floor and then up a little. It's a revealing pose; decolletage twisted she is become an ingenue and Penny says "If I wasn't giving it up last time, what makes you think I was giving it now? Just move along with your little biker friends back to your little biker life and leave me alone, okay?" She leans back and leaves it for the men to hash out.
Devard read your description.
Alexander nods his head a couple of times, "True, true, we were awfully busy that night. Well.. You can always drop by my place again. Ride on my bike, roll around the hay." He tips a hat that doesn't exist, "Ma'am." Walking from the table, he heads towards the exit, inclined to leave it would seem.
Well, ok. Tom looks to be on steadier ground, now. Eyes flit from Penny's angry reply to Alexander's odd response. The whole thing is way too dramatic, too... over-the-top to really impinge too much on Tom' sense of personal reality. This is like TV. He can adjust to this - theatrics! An easy smile as he makes to occupy to space where Alexander once stood - then, thinking better of it, just shifts towards Penny, sits on the corner of the exit. As Alexander is walking away, Tom suggests, "We should probably get out of here. It's not exactly my uh..." Tom pauses, to look at a 50-something Irishman doing a jig
with a 17-somethinged girl with adorable freckles... to gaze at Alexander's departing back... at a drunken bartender leaning onto a counter. "My scene, I guess you'd say."
Did someoe say.. Theatrics?
Devard wanders into the bar, absently juggling a pair of balls in one hand. Yes, Juggling. You got a problem with that?
Using his other hand to open doors and the like, he then proceeds towards the bar, smiling confidently.
Penny shifts some. Little slice of absurdity does the soul good. But too much might make one just a little bit crazy. Penny watches what Tom watches and shrinks a little; some of the wind flagging out of that bravado, some queasiness creeping up on her - like she's just now seeing where she is for the first time. "I'm really sorry, springing that on you. It's just I think that guy's *stalking* me and I," she makes a helpless gesture; something only a woman can pull off with any degree of accurracy "he cornered me. Would you mind.." pausing, Penny takes the phone off the table and tucks it away somewhere "would you mind walking me to my car?"
Alexander pushes through the padded door and exits the pub.
Alexander has left.
Hot-dog! Traumatized girls make great dates, you bet. So why isn't Tom exactly leaping for joy at this golden opportunity? Go figure, some guys get all the breaks and never appreciate it. Tom wearily rises to his feet, offering a sad little smile. "Uh, sure. Sure, I'll walk you out to your car." A pause. "You alright?"
It should be noted that as/if/when Penny heads for the door, Tom follows. Even walks alongside.
You stand and leave the shadowy corner booth.