You walk west along Dundas to Jarvis.
Downtown - Jarvis and Dundas(#131RJ)
Empty lots and undeveloped plots of useless land fill this intersection. Old, largely-abandoned factories are set up along the streetside. Development here ceased long ago, apparently. Two major homeless shelters operate in this area, given its rather cheap real-estate value. The area is mostly populated by homeless people, junkies and whores, though the occasional employee of the few operating companies in this area might be seen driving through... generally rapidly.
Billboard In Front of the Vacant Lot [LOOK BOARD]
Obvious exits:
Upstairs Apartment [UA] Factory Residence [FR] 12 Dundas [12] Mecca
Pharmaceuticals [MP] Vacant Lot [VL] Homeless Shelter [HS] Global
Communiciations [GC] East [E] West [W] South [S] North [N]
Vacant Lot - Jarvis and Dundas
It's a large vacant lot, approximately one-fourth the size of a city block. Overgrown with weeds, and dotted here and there with rubble from the detritus of years of neglect, and from what appears to be the remnants of a former building, there is almost a sad, forlorn feel to the place.
The entire lot apparently was once a fairly large building--perhaps a warehouse--because beneath the accumulating litter that the city never quite manages to entirely pick up, and the weeds springing up from every crevice, is cracked and weathered cement. Broken bits of glass glitter in the dim light. An occasional syringe can be found, discarded by a careless junkie, and the nonsense scrawlings of graffiti artists--as well as the evidence of true artistic gift--is visible on every broken slab of concrete.
[[ OOC: This is a patrolled area. Security will find you. ]]
Obvious exits:
Building Ruins [BR] Street: Jarvis and Dundas [O]
The Weaver is firmly in control here. Even that feeble plant-life that can survive the choke-hold of steel-reinforced cement slabbing is dying fast. Dark, nebulous mist creeps across the ground, seeming almost alive as it drifts across the vacant lot. Glowing eyes peer out of crevices, poisonous colors that speak of potential Wyrm-taint.
The air is dry and dusty, rasping at the throat, the wind whispering only of death and decay and the unmaking.
You head into the ruins of the building at the back of the lot.
Building Ruins - Vacant Lot - Jarvis and Dundas
There's a roof here only by virtue of the fact that the floor for the
second storey is still mostly intact. Any interior finishing is long gone--the
concrete walls and floor are pitted and cratered, in fact, revealing the
remnants of wiring and the steel skeleton reinforcing the building shell.
Graffiti covers the walls, and the stale smell of urine is strong. Rats
occasionally can be heard rustling and squeaking among the litter and rubble
in the shadows. It's a grim, dreary place, this wreckage of a building, always
dim and lit only seldom by the occasional campfire.
Any interior walls that once existed are now long gone, and despite the
rubble and litter strewn about, it's still a spacious room. When the weather
is inclement, the wind whistles through narrow crannies and nooks in the walls
and ceiling, giving almost the impression that the building is alive and has a
presence of its own.
Obvious exits:
Rickety Staircase [Up] Vacant Lot [O]
The lack of light here is both spiritual and physical, a heavy black sticky miasma that clings to any living thing that visits. Only the occasional dim light of a fire-spirit, dancing weakly and oh-so-futilely ever cuts through the gloom and reveals the litter-strewn expanse of a place forgotten by humanity and controlled by the Weaver.
Building Ruins - Second Story
Fractured walls painted flat black stand around you on all sides, all that is left of this level in a building almost completely destroyed by time and decay. The roof overhead is no more, only twisted-metal girders and the occasional patch of what was once the floor above block out the sky overhead. Barred windows let through the occasional burst of air, wafting up the tattered black curtains like Halloween ghosts on the wind -- no glass in their frames to stop the weather outside from pouring in. There is a sense of darkness here no matter what the time of day is, shadows cast in all corners but given no form by the black paint which surrounds on all sides.
Someone has made a 'den' of this place, bringing in all sorts of elements to help bring comfort to those that visit. Black, wooden crates are set about for chairs and stools; old cushions which still hold their form and haven't begun to fall apart give a place to rest that is not cold concrete; two large barrels burn refuse to flame and warm the area from the weather outside; and incense of sandalwood and clove burn from all corners of the room to create a soft cloud of gentle smell.
On one wall, where light never touchs, a crescent moon is painted in white. Below it on the floor burn candles of black and white color in jars.
Obvious exits:
Rickety Staircase [O]
The lack of light here is both spiritual and physical, a heavy black sticky miasma that clings to any living thing that visits. Only the occasional dim light of a fire-spirit, dancing weakly and oh-so-futilely ever cuts through the gloom and reveals the litter-strewn expanse of a place forgotten by humanity and controlled by the Weaver.
Once in a great while, the black presence thins enough to view stars high above, reminding the soul that there is always some light to be had.
You head down the rickety stairs, stepping wide to avoid the missing steps, and arrive at street-level.
You head out of the ruined building, to the vacant lot.
Vacant Lot - Jarvis and Dundas
You thread your way in and among and around piles of rubble and leave the
vacant lot for the street.
Downtown - Jarvis and Dundas(#131RJ)
You walk north along Spadina to King.
Downtown - Spadina and King W(#257RJ)
This is the central bar area of Toronto. There is a bar on every corner,
and from Thursday to Saturday it is next to impossible to find parking. The
line-ups get huge and the hot dog venders get wealthy. On the northwest corner
stands the neon monument called Whiskey Saigon, and near by are other bars
such as Dirk Gently's and Power Bar. The Coloured Stone is located
kitty-corner to Whiskey, a trendy bar and pool hall. Restaurants are also
common in this area, everything from a bar and grill, to the finer dining
experiences. Things are relatively more quiet other nights, but there is
always traffic. The sidewalks are a clean white colour and the streets have
been repaved, to the delight of motorists driving through the city. Even the
planters with the flowers and the trees make this section a brighter place.
Obvious exits:
Open Mic Nightclub [OMN] Holiday Inn [HI] CityBeat 24 Centre [CB24] Eye
Magazine [EM] Whiskey Saigon [WS] East [E] North [N] South [S]
Announcement: Escalus shouts, "Anyone /in/ /the/ /city/ who might possibly be
dimensionally aware, please contact me."
Announcement: Escalus shouts, "To define--anyone who has a reason to be
sensing the Low, Middle, or High Umbras."
Long distance to Escalus: Penny goes ping.
Escalus pages: At first it sounds like a small buzzing, a rumbling through the
ether. It is faint, but it is constant. If you can only see and are inside,
then ignore this message.
Long distance to Escalus: Penny can do a smidge more than see.
Escalus pages: If anyone wants to investigate more closely, page me.
You paged Escalus with 'I'm in.'.
Escalus pages: What do you want to do?
You paged Escalus with 'Send a smoke signal into the ether.'.
Escalus pages: Define?
Escalus pages: The humming noise increases in intensity, though it is not
enough to bother you. However, the sound seems to doppler shift. Whatever is
creating it is getting closer. Those of you who are outside and can see into
one of the three umbras, you see the star of light growing bigger and bigger
as it nears the city. It is not falling, however, more like approaching.
You paged Escalus with 'Spirit 2 /Mind 2 rote: use a cigarette and exhale the
enochian phrase 'Over here.' Penny can then read and hear the spirits that
Escalus pages: Roll me diff. 5.
//.etro: Penny rolls "3" privately to Escalus at diff 5.
For a total of 0 success(es).
Escalus pages: Sucks.
Long distance to Escalus: Penny makes noises. Dangit.
You paged Escalus with 'Lemme know if/when I can try again.'.
Escalus pages: You can try it again.
Long distance to Escalus: Penny dances.
//.etro: Penny rolls "3" privately to Escalus at diff 5.
For a total of 1 success(es).
Escalus pages: The humming noise has stopped growing louder as the doppler
shift directs the sound upward rather than towards the city. Those of you who
can see outside can now see it for what it is. It is a space ship, as large as
a football field, bristling with antenna and resonating with power. The name
of the ship is written in billboard size letters across the side; ACTIUM.
Escalus pages: The ship has now reached the tallest skyscrapers of the city
and disappears among them. It is definitely headed toward downtown. The buzz
is beginning to be more muted, but still persistent.
Escalus pages: The humming noise has subsided so it can no longer be heard
unless you are near to the site where it landed.
Downtown - Jarvis and Dundas(#131RJ)
Empty lots and undeveloped plots of useless land fill this intersection.
Old, largely-abandoned factories are set up along the streetside. Development
here ceased long ago, apparently. Two major homeless shelters operate in this
area, given its rather cheap real-estate value. The area is mostly populated
by homeless people, junkies and whores, though the occasional employee of the
few operating companies in this area might be seen driving through...
generally rapidly.
Billboard In Front of the Vacant Lot [LOOK BOARD]
Obvious exits:
Upstairs Apartment [UA] Factory Residence [FR] 12 Dundas [12] Mecca
Pharmaceuticals [MP] Vacant Lot [VL] Homeless Shelter [HS] Global
Communiciations [GC] East [E] West [W] South [S] North [N]
Catherine looks up and around then smiles a soft smile more to herself.
For those people whose senses are grounded in the real world, there is nothing going on here, but a few people and a group of people inside the fenced-in area of the vacant lot.
[OOC] Someone says "We dead people are so desensitized. :p"
Mary shudders for one thing, and reaches out to put her hand against the
fence, as if she was pondering climbing it, too get a closer look at.. er..
whatever she's looking at, up there in the sky.
[OOC] Fey says "After everything that has happened here, we are a jaded bunch."
Catherine moves close towards the Vacant lot, listening closely. Again, she
smiles looking towards that familiar sound.
Finger in her ear, Penny jabs at something. Tiny wires in her ears. Earbuds. Wires join somewhere near her chest to a singular point then into a pocket. She moves not so quickly and carries on, business as usual past some homeless kids and toward another nexus of people.
Tom appears from the north.
Tom has arrived.
Catherine remains quiet and somewhat in the background but she slowly goes closer towards the Vacant lot, touching the fence. Listening intensly, a soft smile on her lip..and then a giggle.
Mary's hand curls around the bit of the fence she's put her hand against. She
pauses a momeent, gathering herself, then starts trying to scramble upwards.
It's sort of funny to watch... because she ain't going anywhere. Not the best
climber, apparently.
Slunk low in his overcoat, Tom, it would seem, is out for a long, nonchalant
walk under the very nearly full moon. Shoes clap wetly along the moist
sidewalk. The mist hangs low and ponderous, very still, and it doesn't seem to
part at all for the likes of Tom. Just the remarkable humidity has already
moistened his hair. A nonchalant stroll, along the sidewalk, to think things
through - and that bit of thinking has led him here, how peculiar.
Shahai arrives from the west.
Shahai has arrived.
Shahai drives up in a black Lexus, the windows tinted and the highbeams on.
Oh, and she's smoking. Or she was up until it went out just then. Penny pats
herself down, pocket to pocket and jacket to jeans. No dice, the fates must be
against her. She looks back over her shoulder at the homeless kids, weighing
the quick steps back for a light, wiping slick damp from the curve past her
ears. Another glance toward the people and the fence, sticking to her side of
the street.
Catherine walks along the fence to see if there is any opening or gate on it
from this way. She's not gonna climb it..though she probably would get over.
Or maybe she -does- know how to climb. For Mary pauses again, regathering
herself, and jumps first this time, grabbing hold of the fence at the apex of
her leap, and scrambling upwards. It's ever so much more affective than it was
the first time around. She shimmies up, and drops over the edge.
Tom seems largely to be talking to himself, looking a little puzzled. Listening, perhaps, as well. All types out, tonight. Then, the characteristic sound of a fence shaking, metal on metal. With his brow furrowed, Tom glances up from the sidewalk... gaze wandering, drifting. Speaks to himself, sotto voce. Stops walking. Stands stock still on the damp sidewalk, eyes focusing on Mary as she scrabbles.
Mary You step off the street and into the vacant lot.
Mary has left.
[HOODOO] Penny (Monday) gods. Forget protecting Mary now.
Shahai pulls up to the front gate of the place and gets out. It looks like
someone has the key.
Long distance to Escalus: Penny heys. Do I get a result on that +roll?
From afar, Escalus is confused.
Escalus pages: Remind me, which roll?
You paged Escalus with 'Spirit2/Mind2 - get spirits to talk to Penny.'.
Escalus pages: I missed your seocnd roll. What did you get?
You paged Escalus with '1 success.'.
Escalus pages: What you hear is /screaming/.
Shahai gets in and drive the car throught he open gate.
Shahai You step off the street and into the vacant lot.
Shahai has left.
Catherine does move closer to the gates. Maybe this is her chance to get in.
You paged Escalus with 'That's not good.'.
Catherine You step off the street and into the vacant lot.
Catherine has left.
Escalus pages: The spirits are screaming in pain.
Tom steps off of the moist sidewalk and into the street. Only looking left
then right once he's standing on the pavement, Tom walks patiently across the
street, through the onrushing cars, up onto the sidewalk, over the fence,
which he peers through. Subvocalizes, rubbing his throat.
Tom paces to the fence. Looks through the metal twisted in rings over the
fence posts. Cranes his neck a little, to see what's going on. Then, he draws
away, stops his rubbernecking, and migrates off down the sidewalk, up the
street, arm up, arm out. The other hand fetches something, a PDF or something,
out of his coat. He occasionally taps things on the PDF, then, as punctuation,
waves his arm out again for a taxi.
A flex and release; that's the motion in her shoulders, throat and jaw.
Nicfit, Penny's habit must be worse than she let's on. She starts patting
herself down again, bordering on frantic, starts asking randomly passing
strangers "Light? Got a light?" resembling the unsettling homeless kids.
You paged Escalus with 'Three times a charm? I'd like to try one more time,
ask for the source.'.
From afar, Escalus nods. To me.
//.etro: Penny rolls "3" privately to Escalus at diff 5.
For a total of 2 success(es).
[OOC] Someone says "Sorry. ].[ I'd meant to save that... pose order and all...
Hit enter too soon."
Catherine has come inside the thing, only to have a black-suited man with
sunglasses draw a gun on here.
Escalus pages: Did I answer you?
Penny gets relit by the nicest person in Canada. She just offers a Bic and a
sympathetic smile. Doesn't comment on Penny's outburst or her shaking hands
except for "Cold night, eh?" and lets Penny nod by way of conversation and moves on. Bright orange reappears at the end of her cigarette and she exhales
a great cloud of smoke and breath. Ashes roll down the front of her jacket as she repositions herself closer to the curb.
You paged Escalus with 'Nope.'.
[OOC] Penny realizes her wraithdesc might be wrong. Huh.
[OOC] Penny fixes, sorries.
Escalus pages: Did I answer you?
Announcement: Pericles shouts, "Anyone interested the broken commands at the
carnival have been fixed so you can pester me about them if you want to check
them out."
Escalus pages: The spirits are fleeing the area. It is like the big machine is
eating them.
You paged Escalus with 'Can I take the second success away with me and get
some conversation time later on?'.
Escalus pages: Sure you can.
You paged Escalus with 'Excellent. When you're not swamped, buzz me?'.
Catherine has arrived.
Gwennyth has arrived.
Mary has arrived.
Catherine does look back behind her and then towards Gwennyth as she's escorted out. She signs, then just lets her hands drop, shrugging.
Mary stumbles as she emerges from the lot, something having thrown her off balance on the way out. She looks somewhat shaken.. but mostly wonder-struck, for some reason.
Gwennyth follows Catherine and Mary out, watching them both intently. She has a backpack in her hand and says carefully, facing Catherine, "Please stay here."
Catherine says something in a language you don't understand.
For his part, Tom stands around in the mist, head down, face lit from below by the phosphorescent blue of his PDF. He watches something - possibly a video or some television - with a rapt expression. Gaze distant and unfocused, as though he was looking deep through the image... or perhaps deep into it.
Gwennyth watches Catherine a moment, but doesn't respond. Maybe she doesn't know what the woman's saying. She motions for Mary to stand close to
Catherine so that she can easily watch both of them. HEr hands are clasped behind her back, holding the backpack.
cop car come and pick you two up."
Mary steps over close to Catherine, and turns and looks up again, at the sky once more.. she ccan still see it out here, at least, though perhaps not as well. Of course, what 'it' is may be hard to determine.
Mary hails a cab and departs.
Mary has left.
Escalus pages: Okay, I think I have time. What did you want to ask?
You paged Escalus with 'What the hell just happened and can it be repaired?'.
Once Mary and her backpack, and Catherine are safely in police custody, Gwennyth turns and heads back into the lot.
Long distance to Escalus: Penny doesn't mince words even with the ephemeral.
Catherine goes home.
Catherine has left.
Escalus pages: This machine eats spirits. Anyone that gets too close. It is big and strong. You can repair it by destroying it.
Talking to herself, Penny crosses the street just ahead of the cops' arrival somewhere in Tom's vicinity. Smoke wreaths her wake in the thinnest parts of the air, fog roiling underfoot. She looks this way and that way, settling on the cab that Tom hailed "You taking that one?"
You paged Escalus with 'Who operates the machine?'.
Escalus pages: I do not know. I cannot get close to it.
You paged Escalus with 'Okie doke. Won't keep you. Thanks - this is great.'.